The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has been adjudged the ‘Best Foreign Bank Bangladesh 2020’ in Bangladesh in 2020 by the UK-based The Global Economics Limited.
The Global Economics awards recognise and reward excellence in business of companies all over the globe, both in the public and private sectors. Its goal is to ensure that innovation, creativity and the drive to create value get due recognition.
The Best Foreign Bank award presented to Commercial Bank Bangladesh recognises growth achieved in new accounts, deposits and advances, services offered to corporate and personal banking customers, new products and the growth of the Bank’s Online Banking services in the market.
At the close of 2019, the CBC Bangladesh achieved a 28.79% growth in deposits, 20.62% growth in Profit After Tax, and a 5.71% increase in the number of accounts. The Bank’s CSR focus has been to help underprivileged segments of society, particularly poor students.
The Global Economics Limited is a UK based financial publication and a bi-annual business magazine giving thoughtful insights into the financial sectors on various industries across the world. The highlight of The Global Economics Limited is the prestigious country specific Annual Global Economics awards program where the best performers in various financial sectors are identified worldwide and honoured.