The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has been adjudged the ‘Best Foreign Bank Bangladesh 2020’ in Bangladesh in 2020 by the UK-based The Global Economics Limited. The Global Economics awards recognise and reward excellence in business of companies all over the globe, both in the public and private sectors. Its goal is to ensure that innovation,...
Author: cbbadmin
AAA – 10 Consecutive Years
10 Years in a row; Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC, Bangladesh Operations has been rated ‘AAA’ (Triple A-Long Term) by CRISL for 10 consecutive years in 2019.The Bank was also reaffirmed ‘ST-1′ for short term based on the financials of 2019. A bank rated “AAA” in the long term has very strong capacity to meet...
Donation to Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation
Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Najith Meewanage along with other High Officials of Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC handing over Cheque to the Executive Director of “Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation” Dr. Shamim Ferdous to enhance the development in physical, cognitive and socio-emotional aspects of the differently able children.
CBC Donated Computers for Dhaka University – Sufia Kamal Hall
County Manager, Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Mr. Ajith Naranpanawe handing over computers to the Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University Mr. AAMS Arefin Siddique for the use of students in ladies hall as a part of Banks CSR activities. Mr. Najith Meewanage, Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Shakir Khusru, Assistant General Manager of the Bank and...
We express our gratitude to all the valued customers for their continuous support and trust placed in us. Commercial Bank has been rated ‘AAA’ (Triple A-Long Term) by CRISL for 9 consecutive years in 2018.The Bank was also reaffirmed ‘ST-1′ for short term based on the financials of 2018. A bank rated “AAA” in the...
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Distributed Relief
Recently Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC distributed dry rations among the flood affected poor people of Mughal Gaon Union of Sylhet Sadar as a part of Bank’s CSR activities. Mr. Reaz Wahid – Senior AGM and Mr. Shafayet Ahmed – Manager, Sylhet Branch along with Union Parishad Chairman and others are seen in the photograph.
Donation for Bangladesh Thalassaemia Samity Hospital
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC handed over a cheque to the President of Bangladesh Thalassaemia Samity Mr. Omar G. Rabbany, being the annual donation to the Bangladesh Thalassaemia Hospital as a part of its CSR activities. Officials of the Bank and the Hospital are seen in the photograph.
Best Foreign Bank in Bangladesh – 2018
The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has won the titles of the ‘Best Foreign Bank’ in Bangladesh and ‘Best Commercial Bank’ in Sri Lanka in 2018 from the UK-based Global Business Outlook (GBO) magazine, ending a year of international and local accolades with twin honours across the Palk Strait. The prestigious Best Commercial Bank award is based...
CBC Donated Blankets
Mr. Dilan Rajapakse, Chief Operating Officer and Mr. Mahmood Rashid, Senior AGM of Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC handing over blankets to Mr. A.F.M. Asaduzzaman, General Manager, Bangladesh Bank for further distribution among the poor and cold affected people.
CBC Donated to BPF
Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC made a donation to Bagladesh Protibondhi Foudation to purchase 80 numbers of Desks for their Kalyani inclisuve school in Kishorgoni as a part of its CSR activities. In the picture Mr.Dilan Rajapakse the Chief operating officer along with other senior officials of the Bank seeing handing over the cheque to...