Bonus Savings Account
Bonus Savings Account is special for its flexibility and the convenience it offers. Interest is calculated on daily basis and credited to your account on half-yearly basis. A bonus of 50% of earned interest is added if the number of withdrawals is limited to only two. If the number of withdrawal is more than 2, interest will still accrue on your balance and credited as usual. So there are no restrictions on withdrawals.
The Essentials
Guaranteed higher return
Higher interest rates as your deposit value increases
You can open an account with a minimum deposit of BDT 100,000.00
High interest rate
Earn a higher interest rate for your savings as your account balance grows.
Interest will be calculated on the daily balance and credited to your account half yearly.
Special feature, completely free
Account maintenance- Free
Cheque Book- Free
Debit Card- Free, internet banking, e-Passbook and Credit Card- Free (*Conditions has to be discussed.).
Fast, easy and secure access
Enjoy fast, convenient and 24 x 7 unlimited access points to your account from anywhere in the world through Online Banking or through the millions of ATMs belonging to Visa and NPSB networks.
No restrictions on withdrawals
Your money is freely available for withdrawals or transfers. No prior notice is required*. There is no minimum period for deposits.
Online Banking facility
Commercial Bank Online Banking facility annual charge free.
Learn more about FreeCom Savings Account
This account can be opened by anyone who is eligible to open normal Savings account with an initial deposit of BDT 100,000.00
Interest in FreeCom Savings Account will be calculated on daily basis and credited half yearly
Interest will accrue for the days when the account balance exceeds BDT 100,000.00
Account Opening Process
Terms & Conditions apply
Product information and terms & conditions are subject to change from time to time. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the branch nearest to you for the latest information and prevailing terms & conditions.
Interest Rates
Interest Rate ( p.a.)
BDT 0 -- BDT 25,000
BDT 25,000 and above
Open an account
Who can open accounts
You need to be a resident of Bangladesh and over the age of 18 years .
What you need to bring
You need following things to open an account
- National Identity Card (NID) or Birth Registration along with a Photo Identity or Passport
- Recently taken passport size photographs (2 copies)
- Introduction of the Nominee and his/her photographs (1 copy)
- Introduction of the Introducer
- Initial deposit amount to open account
- You need to make a minimum deposit of BDT 100,000.00 to open the account.
How to apply
Download application form and submit the filled form along with other required documents to any Commercial Bank branch
Bonus Savings Account
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