Fixed Deposits
Attractive interest rates for your precious savings. It gives you options to reinvest as you want. Interest can be credited automatically to an account of your choice with auto renewal option or the FDR can be renewed with the interest. Multiple choices in this category to fulfill all your requirements.
3, 6, 12 month and 2 , 3, 5 (High5FD) Years’ maturity
Fixed Deposits with interests payable monthly, quarterly, half yearly or even on maturity. 1, 2, 3 years maturity.
The Essentials
Select a plan of your choice and receive interests monthly, quarterly, biannually, annually or at maturity
The best way to earn a higher interest rate for your funds
Placing a Fixed Deposit with Commercial Bank will fetch you one of the most attractive rates-of-interest in the market.
Fixed deposit has term ranging 1, 2, 3, 6 months or 85, 100 days and 1,2, 3 and 5 years with a option to earn interest on monthly/quarterly/ yearly or on maturity.
Benefits of a Fixed Deposit
- You can pledge the Fixed Deposit and obtain a loan up to 85% instantly at concessionary interest rates.
- Premature encashment is allowed at any point of time.
- You can request the Bank to renew your deposit at maturity with interest earned added to the capital or renew just the capital.
Placing a Fixed Deposit
- Duly filled Application Form
- National Identity Card (NID) or Birth Registration along with a Photo Identity or Passport
- Recently taken passport size photographs (2 copies)
- Introduction of the Nominee and his/her photographs (1 copy)
- Introduction of the Introducer
You can visit a branch of your choice and discuss your requirement with an officer of the branch. You may also Download application form and submit the filled form to any Commercial Bank branch.
Please fill the application form which can be downloaded from the link given below and hand it over at the branch. Remember to take your national identity card, driving license or passport. This is necessary for us to identify you.
Terms & Conditions apply
Product information and terms & conditions are subject to change from time to time. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the branch nearest to you for the latest information and prevailing terms & conditions.
Place a deposit
Who can place a deposit
How to apply
Fixed Deposits
Other Categories
