Prof. A K W Jayawardane
Prof. A K W Jayawardane has been serving as a Non-Executive Independent Director of the Commercial Bank since April 2015 and currently he is the Chairman of CBC Tech Solutions, a subsidiary of the Commercial Bank and the Chairman of the Board Tech Committee.
Prof. A K W Jayawardane is currently a Commission Member of the University Grants Commission and a Senior Professor in Civil Engineering. He served as the Vice Chancellor of the University of Moratuwa for six years, Dean, Faculty of Engineering for six years and as an Endowed Professor in Entrepreneurship at the University of Moratuwa for one year.
He obtained BSc Eng Degree in Civil Engineering with first class honours from the University of Moratuwa, a Master of Science Degree in Construction from the Loughborough University of Technology UK and a PhD in Construction Management from the same University.
Prof. Jayawardane served as the President of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka. He is also a Director of Sierra Cables PLC and a member of Board of Management of several other institutions. He is also a Corporate Member, a Fellow and an International Professional Engineer of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka (IESL), CEng, FIE(SL), IntPE(SL), Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka, FNAS(SL), Founder Member of the Society of Structural Engineers Sri Lanka MSSE(SL), Fellow of the Institute of Project Managers, Sri Lanka, FIPM (SL), Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science and a Graduate Member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Directors GSLID.