NIS (National Integrity Strategy)

Toll Free Hotline Numbers

  • Anti-Corruption Commission: 106
  • Customers’ Interest Protection Cell (Bangladesh Bank) : 16236
  • National Emergency Number: 999

Work Plan

  • Annual Work Plan 2021-2022: View
  • Annual Work Plan 2020-2021: View
  • Annual Work Plan 2019-2020: View


  • Quarter 3: 2020-2021: View
  • Quarter 1: 2020-2021: View
  • Quarter 1: 2019-2020: View

Focal Point Information

Focal Point Officer

Name         : Nafisa Jareen 

Designation: Chief Manager, Human Resources Dept.

Mobile        : +8801896022426

Phone        : +8802226606601 Ext. 751

E-mail        :

Alternative to Focal Point Officer

Name         : Irin Parvin

Designation: Deputy Manager, Human Resource Department

Mobile        : +8801715456901

Phone        : +8802226606601 Ext. 752

E-mail        :

Ethics Committee

Position in the Committee
Kasun Herath
Chief Operating Officer
Head of the Committee
Nafisa Jareen
Chief Manager
Focal Person
Shakir Khusru
Sr. Asst. General Manager

NIS Action plan 2022-2023 : View

NIS Action plan 2023-2024 : View

NIS (National Integrity Strategy)

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K Sripavan


Mr Kanagasabapathy Sripavan was appointed as the Chief Justice of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in January 2015 and held office until March 2017. During this period he functioned as the Chairman of the Judicial Services Commission of Sri Lanka, Chairman of the Incorporated Council of Legal Education, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Judges’ Institute and Chairman of the Superior Court Complex Board of Management.

Mr Sripavan was enrolled as an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka in 1977. He obtained a Diploma in Industrial Law from the University of Colombo in 1992 and Master of Laws from the University of London in 1994.

He functioned as the Head of the Court of Appeal Unit in the Attorney General’s Department and handled a large volume of work both in the Court of Appeal and in the Supreme Court including Bills and Fundamental Rights Applications. Prior to the elevation to the Court of Appeal Bench he functioned as a Legal Consultant for the National Savings Bank for two years.

He was appointed a Judge of the Court of Appeal in May 2002 and was elevated to the post of President of the Court of Appeal in March 2007 by his Excellency the President. In March 2008 he was elevated to the Supreme Court Bench.